Grokking the Coding Interview

Top LeetCode Patterns for FAANG Coding Interviews

A Software Engineer’s Guide to Conquering FAANG Interviews with High-ROI Coding Patterns.

Arslan Ahmad
Level Up Coding
Published in
11 min readMar 14, 2024


Top Coding Patterns (

Every software engineer starting to prepare for coding interviews will feel overwhelmed by the huge number of problems and concepts they need to grasp. But don’t worry, in this blog, I’m going to share a strategy to make this mountain easier to climb: coding patterns.

Coding patterns are like keys that unlock solutions to various coding problems. Think of them as common approaches or templates you can adapt to solve different questions. Why are they important? Because they help you see beyond the surface of a problem and understand its underlying structure. Once you get the hang of a pattern, you’ll start recognizing it in new problems, making it easier to solve them.

My goal here is simple: to introduce you to the most valuable coding patterns that offer the highest return on your investment (ROI) of study time. Focusing on these patterns will not only make your interview preparation more efficient but also deepen your problem-solving skills.

The Essence of Coding Patterns

Imagine you’re learning a new language. At first, you memorize words and phrases, but the real progress comes when you start recognizing patterns in the language. Suddenly, you’re not just memorizing; you’re understanding. Coding patterns work the same way in programming.

A coding pattern is a strategy to solve common problems. It’s like a blueprint you can modify to fit the specific requirements of the problem you’re facing. These patterns are crucial because they help you:

  1. Recognize Problems: Once you’re familiar with a pattern, you’ll start seeing it in various problems, even if they look different at first glance.
  2. Solve Problems Efficiently: Knowing the right pattern can lead you directly to the solution, saving you time and effort during interviews.
  3. Improve Problem-Solving Skills: As you learn more patterns, you’ll get better at breaking down complex problems into manageable parts.

For software engineers, focusing on coding patterns is a smart strategy. It’s not about memorizing solutions to specific problems but about understanding how to approach different types of problems. This knowledge will make you a stronger programmer and a more competitive candidate in coding interviews.

LeetCode (LC) Problem Distribution Overview

LeetCode is a treasure trove for coding interview preparation, with over 3,000 coding questions. These questions cover a wide range of topics, from data structures and algorithms to specific coding patterns. Understanding the distribution of these topics can help you focus your study on areas with the highest return on investment (ROI).

Here’s a simplified overview of how LeetCode categorizes its problems:

  1. Data Structures: These are the building blocks of coding problems. Common data structures include Arrays, Strings, Hash Tables, Trees, and Graphs.
  2. Algorithms: These are the methods or processes used to solve problems. Examples include Sorting, Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms, and Binary Search.
  3. Coding Patterns: These are common approaches to solving problems that recur across different questions. Patterns include Sliding Window, Two Pointers, Depth First Search (DFS), and Breadth First Search (BFS).

The key to efficient interview preparation is knowing which topics offer the most value. For instance, focusing on Arrays and Strings might be more beneficial than diving deep into more niche topics from the start. Similarly, mastering fundamental algorithms like Binary Search can unlock solutions to numerous problems.

By understanding the distribution of problems on LeetCode, you can create a targeted study plan that maximizes your preparation time. This approach ensures you cover the essentials without getting overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material.

High-ROI Data Structures

As a software engineer preparing for coding interviews, focusing on certain data structures can significantly improve your problem-solving skills. Here’s a list of high-ROI data structures that frequently appear in interviews and offer a wide range of problem-solving opportunities:

  1. Array: Arrays are the most basic and commonly used data structure. They store elements in a linear order and are identified by indices. Understanding arrays is crucial because they form the basis of many coding problems, from simple searches to complex manipulations.
  2. String: Strings are sequences of characters and can be thought of as arrays of characters. Many problems involve string manipulation, such as finding substrings, comparing strings, or transforming one string into another.
  3. Hash Table: Hash tables (or dictionaries in some languages) store key-value pairs and are excellent for quick lookups, insertions, and deletions. Problems involving counting, grouping, or finding unique elements often use hash tables.
  4. Tree: Trees represent hierarchical data. Binary trees, in particular, are a focus in interviews, with problems ranging from traversal techniques to tree modification operations.
  5. Matrix: A matrix is a 2D array. Problems involving matrices might include searches, path-finding, or applying specific algorithms to process the data in a matrix.

Focusing on these data structures is strategic for several reasons:

  • Versatility: They are used in a wide range of problems, making them highly versatile tools in your problem-solving arsenal.
  • Foundation: They form the foundation for understanding more complex data structures and algorithms.
  • High Frequency in Interviews: These data structures are frequently tested in interviews due to their fundamental nature and wide applicability.

By mastering problems related to these data structures, you’ll be able to tackle a significant portion of coding interview questions more effectively. Practice problems that specifically target these areas to build a strong foundation and increase your problem-solving speed and accuracy.

High-ROI Algorithmic Techniques

After getting comfortable with essential data structures, the next step in your coding interview preparation is to master some key algorithmic techniques. These techniques are powerful tools that can help you solve a wide range of problems more efficiently. Here’s a list of high-ROI algorithmic techniques that are frequently encountered in coding interviews:

  1. Dynamic Programming: This technique involves solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler subproblems. It’s particularly useful for optimization problems where you’re looking for the best solution among many possibilities. Dynamic programming questions often involve finding the longest or shortest path, maximizing or minimizing certain criteria, or counting the number of ways to achieve something.
  2. Greedy Algorithms: Greedy algorithms make the optimal choice at each step as they work towards a global solution. This technique is used in problems where you’re asked to find the “minimum” or “maximum” of something, such as the least number of coins to make a certain amount of money.
  3. Binary Search: This is a highly efficient way to find an item in a sorted array. Binary search can be applied in various scenarios beyond simple searches, including finding the first or last occurrence of an element and problems involving decision-making in a sorted space.
  4. Backtracking: Backtracking is a methodical way of trying out various sequences of decisions until you find one that “works.” It’s often used in problems involving permutations, combinations, and partitioning, where you need to explore all possible solutions to find the one that meets the criteria.

To get the most out of your study time, practice problems that specifically target each of these techniques. Understanding the underlying principles and learning how to apply them in different contexts will prepare you to tackle a wide range of questions during your interviews.

High-ROI Coding Patterns

Coding patterns are like templates: once you recognize the pattern a problem fits into, you can apply a standard approach to solve it. This recognition skill is especially valuable in interviews, where time is limited. Here are some high-ROI coding patterns that frequently appear in coding interviews, making them crucial for junior engineers to master:

  1. Depth First Search (DFS): This pattern involves exploring as far as possible along a branch before backtracking. It’s commonly used in problems related to trees and graphs, such as checking if a path exists between two nodes or finding all possible combinations of elements.
  2. Breadth First Search (BFS): BFS explores the neighbor nodes first, before moving to the next-level neighbors. It’s useful for finding the shortest path on unweighted graphs or solving puzzles and games (like a maze).
  3. Binary Search: Beyond finding an element in a sorted array, binary search can be used in decision-making problems where you need to minimize or maximize a certain condition (e.g., the “split array largest sum” problem).
  4. Two Pointers: This pattern involves using two pointers to iterate through the data structure (usually an array or string) in one pass. It’s effective for problems involving sorting and searching, such as finding a pair of elements with a specific sum.
  5. Sliding Window: This pattern is used for array or string problems where you need to find a range that meets certain criteria (e.g., the smallest subarray with a sum greater than a given value). It involves moving a window over the data to consider different subsets of elements.

Focusing on these patterns offers several benefits:

  • Efficiency: They help you solve problems more efficiently by applying a known strategy, reducing the time you spend thinking about how to approach a problem.
  • Confidence: Knowing these patterns boosts your confidence during interviews, as you’ll likely recognize the pattern a problem fits into.
  • Versatility: These patterns are versatile and can be applied to a wide range of problems, making your preparation more comprehensive.

To master these patterns, practice identifying and applying them in different problems. Start with simpler problems to understand the basics of each pattern, then gradually move to more complex ones to deepen your understanding and improve your ability to apply these patterns under different conditions.

Mastering Essential Coding Patterns

Mastering coding patterns is a critical step towards success in coding interviews, especially for junior engineers. Here’s how you can effectively learn and apply these essential patterns:

Understand the Pattern Deeply

  • Study the Theory: Begin with understanding the theory behind each pattern. Know why it works and in what scenarios it’s applicable.
  • Analyze Examples: Look at solved examples that use the pattern. Understand how the pattern was applied and what problem it solved.

Practice with Purpose

  • Start Simple: Begin with easy problems that explicitly use the pattern. This will help reinforce your understanding of how the pattern works.
  • Increase Complexity: Gradually move to more complex problems. Try to solve them on your own before looking at solutions.

Apply Patterns to New Problems

  • Identify Patterns: When faced with a new problem, try to identify if it fits any of the patterns you’ve learned. Look for clues in the problem statement that might suggest a particular pattern.
  • Adapt and Apply: Sometimes, you might need to adapt a pattern slightly to fit the specifics of a problem. Be flexible in your approach and think creatively about how a pattern can be applied.

Review and Reflect

  • Learn from Mistakes: If you get stuck or make a mistake, review your approach and understand where you went wrong. Learning from mistakes is a powerful way to deepen your understanding.
  • Reflect on Solutions: After solving a problem, reflect on your solution. Could you have applied the pattern more effectively? Is there a more efficient way to solve the problem?

Stay Consistent

  • Regular Practice: Consistency is key. Make a schedule for practice and stick to it. Regular practice helps reinforce what you’ve learned and keeps your problem-solving skills sharp.
  • Challenge Yourself: Participate in coding challenges and contests. They provide a good opportunity to apply patterns under time constraints, similar to real interview conditions.

Mastering coding patterns is not just about memorizing solutions; it’s about developing a deep understanding of problem-solving strategies. This approach not only prepares you for coding interviews but also enhances your overall programming skills.

Advanced Patterns and Techniques

Once you’ve mastered the essential coding patterns, expanding your knowledge to include advanced patterns and techniques can give you an edge in more complex interview questions. These advanced concepts often build on the basics but require a deeper understanding and more creative application. Here’s a look at some advanced patterns and techniques worth exploring:

  1. Dynamic Programming (DP) Variants: Beyond the basic DP problems, there are more complex variants like DP with Bitmasks, DP on Trees, and DP with Probability. These require a solid understanding of DP and how to apply it in less straightforward scenarios.
  2. Graph Algorithms: Advanced graph algorithms, such as Dijkstra’s for shortest paths, Bellman-Ford for detecting negative cycles, or Floyd-Warshall for all pairs shortest paths, are powerful tools for solving complex graph-related problems.
  3. Segment Trees and Fenwick Trees: These data structures are useful for problems that involve querying and updating ranges within an array. They are particularly handy for competitive programming and scenarios where efficiency is critical.
  4. K-way Merge: This pattern involves merging multiple sorted arrays or lists. It’s useful in problems where you’re dealing with multiple sorted datasets and need to merge them into a single sorted output efficiently.
  5. Monotonic Stack/Queue: These are used in problems where you need to maintain elements in a sorted order in a stack or queue. They are particularly useful for problems involving next greater element, maximum area histograms, and sliding window maximums.

How to Approach Advanced Patterns

  • Build on Basics: Ensure you have a strong foundation in basic data structures, algorithms, and patterns before tackling advanced topics. Advanced patterns often combine basic concepts in unique ways.
  • Understand the Problem Domain: Many advanced patterns are particularly suited to specific types of problems. Understanding the problem domain can help you identify when an advanced pattern might be applicable.
  • Practice and More Practice: Like with basic patterns, the key to mastering advanced patterns is practice. Try to solve a variety of problems using each pattern to understand its applications and limitations.
  • Study Others’ Solutions: Looking at how others solve complex problems can provide insights into the application of advanced patterns and techniques. Competitive programming forums, coding challenge review videos, and algorithm tutorials are great resources.

Expanding your toolkit with these advanced patterns and techniques can significantly enhance your problem-solving capabilities. While not all of them will be necessary for every coding interview, being familiar with these concepts allows you to tackle a wider range of problems and demonstrates your depth of knowledge to potential employers.

Final Thoughts

  • Understand, Don’t Memorize: Focus on understanding the underlying principles of coding patterns and algorithms instead of memorizing solutions. This understanding will enable you to adapt and apply concepts to new problems.
  • Practice Consistently: Regular, focused practice is key to mastering coding patterns. Set aside dedicated time for coding practice, and gradually increase the complexity of problems as you become more comfortable.
  • Analyze Your Approach: After solving a problem, take the time to review your solution and understand any mistakes or inefficiencies. Analyzing your approach and understanding alternative solutions is crucial for improvement.
  • Stay Curious and Keep Learning: The field of computer science is vast and constantly evolving. Stay curious and open to learning new patterns, algorithms, and technologies. This mindset will not only help you in interviews but also in your career as a software engineer.

Most technical interviews include LeetCode-type questions. Software engineers practice such coding problems before interviews. The highest return on investment is achieved by preparing smartly and focusing on the top LeetCode interview patterns. You can learn more about popular coding interview patterns and related problems in Grokking the Coding Interview and Grokking Dynamic Programming for Coding Interviews.

Here are some more interview prep sources:



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